Campanas de México

Bell (1) - National Maritime Museum - LONDON

Bell (1) - National Maritime Museum LONDON (ENGLAND)

Localización Children's gallery
Diámetro 42
Peso aproximado 43
Año fundición 1794
Descripción This bell was originally fitted on the 74-gun Vanguard, Nelson's flagship at the battle of the Nile in 1798It was used to ring out the watches throughout the day and night so sailors knew when it was the turn to take over sailing and look-out duties. This means that bells on ships were essentially used to signify events, similarly to how church bells were used.
Inscripción tercio (2 strings)
(2 strings)
Inscripción medio pie (3 strings)
Inscripción pie (2 strings)
Editor LLOP i BAYO, Francesc
Fecha 14-11-2023
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