Campanas de México

The Cathedral Church of Saints Peter and Paul with Saints Dyfrig, Teilo, and Euddogwy - LLANDAFF (WALES)

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The Cathedral Church of Saints Peter and Paul with Saints Dyfrig, Teilo, and Euddogwy - LLANDAFF (WALES)

Descripción Llandaff Cathedral (Welsh: Eglwys Gadeiriol Llandaf) is an Anglican cathedral and parish church in Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales. It is the seat of the Bishop of Llandaff, head of the Church in Wales Diocese of Llandaff. It is dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and three Welsh saints: Dubricius (Welsh: Dyfrig), Teilo and Oudoceus (Welsh: Euddogwy). It is one of two cathedrals in Cardiff, the other being the Roman Catholic Cardiff Cathedral in the city centre. The current building was constructed in the 12th century over the site of an earlier church. WIKIPEDIA (21-11-2018)
Las campanas The cathedral has a ring of twelve bells (with an additional "flat sixth", to make thirteen in total) hung for change-ringing, located in the Jasper tower. The current bells were installed in 1992, replacing a previous ring of ten. Only one other church in Wales has a ring of twelve bells; the cathedral is the only church in Cardiff with a set of twelve bells. WIKIPEDIA (21-11-2018)
Bibliografía (se puede ordenar por autor o por año)
Autor y títuloAño
LINNARD, William - Saint Teilo’s bell2018
1 Fotos del campanario
Editor LLOP i BAYO, Francesc
Actualización 2018-11-21
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