Campanas de México

Parish Church of Saints Mary and Alkelda - MIDDLEHAM (ENGLAND)

Registro de las campanas

Parish Church of Saints Mary and Alkelda - MIDDLEHAM (ENGLAND)

Descripción The Church of Saints Mary and Alkelda was founded in 1291 and consists mainly of 14th and 15th century architecture, although there are stones indicating the existence of a church on that site perhaps a century before.[6] The only remaining Norman artifact is a section of zig-zag moulding that was once round a door or window, and now appears above the north aisle. The church has a three-metre-high Perpendicular font cover and a replica of the Middleham Jewel. West of the church is St Alkelda's well, whose waters are reputed to restore strength to weak eyes. WIKIPEDIA (14-01-2017)
Bibliografía (se puede ordenar por autor o por año)
Autor y títuloAño
QUE-NOTICIAS - Campanero casi muere empalado2017
1 Fotos del campanario
Editor LLOP i BAYO, Francesc
Actualización 2017-01-14
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