Campanas de México

- Kampananje_slavljenje_luncijanje_Bell chiming in Croatia

Kampananje_slavljenje_luncijanje_Bell chiming in Croatia

ESEARCH OF BELL CHIMING IN IN SOME SETTLEMENTS IN CROATIA AND ITS COMPARISON WITH PRITRKAVANJE IN SLOVENIA The central topic of the article is bell chiming as a musical practice of performing rhythmic patterns by striking the clapper or hammer against the rim of the bell. Although the practice is known in wider European context, the article especially considers the bell chiming in Croatia. Since this topic in Crotia has not yet been researched, the author deals with some indirect sources, which are completed with her own fieldwork in Hrvatsko Primorje region and Dalmatia. The article discusses the musical and social aspect of the chiming, while the presented examples also give answers as regards the connection of the musical structure and social context. Musical practice of bell chiming in Croatia is than compared to bell chiming in Slovenia, where the practice occupies an important place in the context of Slovenian culture. Key words: bell chiming, kampananje, slavljenje, luncijanje, pritrkavanje, trnačenje,Croatia, Slovenia



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  • Campanas de México ✱ Actualización 02-07-2024 ✱