Campanas de México

- Towers, bells and bell ringings. The recovery of a traditional comunitarian music

Towers, bells and bell ringings. The recovery of a traditional comunitarian music

ESRARC 2019. 11th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation

Friday 12th April 2019 - 9.30h

Session 4 B: Space, cultural heritage and development I

Sala de Juntas – Facultat de Geografia i Història


The restoration of set of bells are usually understood as the interventions on the bells themselves. Commonly the basic interventions are done by small business which have several specialist on security, wood works or metal works but non specialist on heritage issues. For that reason, interventions are careless about the intangible (and tangible) aspects that are deduced if we consider bells and their music a traditional heritage that has been transmitted since centuries ago through generations.

We believe that the language of bell ringing is a complete example of what we understood nowadays as intangible heritage. For instance, we propose that restorarions of bells must follow guidelines based on heritage values, taking care of historical, religious, social and antropological aspects.

ESRARC 2019 (10-04-2019)
  • VALÈNCIA (COMUNITAT VALENCIANA): Campanas, campaneros y toques
  • MARTÍNEZ ROIG, ELISEU (PAIPORTA) : Otras actividades
  • MARTÍNEZ ROIG, ELISEU (PAIPORTA) : Toques y otras actividades
  • Europe is ringing: Bibliografía
  • Restauración de campanas: Bibliografía
  • Volver a la página anterior
  • Campanas de México ✱ Actualización 02-07-2024 ✱