Campanas de México

Europe is ringing

Europe is ringing: bibliografía general

(Se puede ordenar por autor, por título o por año)

Cloches anciennes. préservation. perspectives2011
Protection des cloches des églises2018
Un joven valenciano impulsa la primera asociación de campaneros de Europa2015
Sandwich church bells silenced after neighbour's noise complaint2017
Bell from 'England's smallest church' in Wiltshire stolen2020
Las campanas que unen tradición con juventud2018
The Carillon of the Brussels Cathedral2014
Learning the ropes: The new breed of church bell ringers2018
Perpignan: le festival international de carillon sonnera malgré la crise sanitaire2020
Why Being a Bell-Ringer During the Middle Ages Was One of the Worst Jobs in History2015
Las campanas de Mafra vuelven a tañer 20 años después2020
Portugal: Europa Nostra and EIB Institute targets carillons of the Mafra National Palace2014
Ringing bells across Europe for the International Day of Peace2019
Portugal: After 20 years of silence, the restored Carillons of the Mafra National Palace played for over 6,000 people2020
Dit is waarom het cijfer 4 op de klokken van de Grote Kerk verkeerd geschreven is2020
Scots youngsters find fresh appeal in the ancient skills of bell ringing2019
Old skill of bellringing chimes with the young2019
St Paul’s Cathedral bells welcomed back to town2018
The Dynamics of a Ringing Church Bell2012
Back on a peal2018
Girl offers to replace Big Ben's bongs during upcoming renovation2016
Bells in Spain: restoration, research and new ensembles of bellringers1998
Europe is Ringing!2015
Bell Ringing Nowadays: New Perspectives for an Intangible Heritage2018
La música de campanas en Europa: Un patrimonio que vuelve a sonar.2018
TEDxTalks about Bell Ringing in Europe2019
Towers, bells and bell ringings. The recovery of a traditional comunitarian music2019
Bells. The Silence of War, the Sound of Peace.2019
Eliseo da la campanada2015
Eliseo da la campanada (PDF)2015
Ordre des sonneries2019
Industries: Bell-founders1911
Fiato alle campane per la chiusura del Carnevale2014
Een eeuwenoude traditie verdwijnt omdat één of twee mensen er last van hebben2020
La prima cosa bella di giovedì 12 marzo 20202020
Shape optimization of carillon bells1995
" May it's First Peals Utter 'Peace' " - Ringing Bells Across Europe for the International Day of Peace2018
Ringing Bells Across Europe2018
'A catastrophe for the system of protecting historic buildings': the saga of London's Whitechapel Bell Foundry2019
A marathon first for the bells of St Paul's2012
The bells of St Paul's reach historic milestone with 100th peal2014
Baby bells ring out from St Paul's for Princess Charlotte2015
Ding Dong2015
Die ältesten Glocken2020
Dictionnaire des fondeurs de cloches en Belgique2010
Le classement Monument Historique2018

Vídeo (Se puede ordenar por cualquiera de los campos)

Le dernier réparateur de clochers 196303:04
Windsor Castle Ringing 06-02-201304:41
ROMBOUTS, LUCSafeguarding the carillon culture: preservation, transmission, exchange and awareness-raising 31-08-201309:38
Taccona 17-02-201503:24
DEVON ASSOCIATION OF RINGERSThe Collegiate Church of St Peter (Westminster Abbey)The bells of Westminster Abbey, London 01-01-201717:22
when Sunday Bell is ringing like this...... 04-05-201803:28
Taccona 2019 05-03-201904:34
Carillon & Clock 09-09-201902:00
Three European Rolling Bells 09-09-201901:01
Klok&Peel MuseumOde to Joy 24-10-201901:15
98 bells of Mafra basilica in Portugal chime after years of silence 03-02-202000:50
Las campanas de Mafra vuelven a tañer 20 años después 03-02-202001:30
Prince Philip: Westminster Abbey bells ring once every 99 minutes in tribute 09-04-202101:01
GILLETT & JOHNSTONTolling for the funeral of HRH Prince Philip 17-04-202108:45
Discovering Bellringing 08-10-202309:02

Campanas de México ✱ Actualización 04-07-2024 ✱