Campanas de México

- Baby bells ring out from St Paul's for Princess Charlotte

Baby bells ring out from St Paul's for Princess Charlotte

A full peal of bells rang out from St Paul's to mark the birth of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.

The bells of St. Paul's - Autor: St. Paul's Cathedral
The bells of St. Paul's - Autor: St. Paul's Cathedral

12 ringers took to the bell tower on Tuesday 5 May 2015 to attempt the four-hour peal, three days after Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born.

Dave Bassford, Secretary of the St Paul's Cathedral Guild of Ringers, said: "Like much of the rest of the country, London’s bell ringers were waiting eagerly for news of the Royal birth.

"Organising and ringing full peals is not a trivial task under any circumstances, especially at St Paul’s where the largest of the 12 bells weighs over three tons. But add to that the uncertainly of the timing and things are even more complicated - we had ringers on stand-by all over Southern England for a few weeks."

The ringers rang a peal of 5021 changes of Stedman Cinques, composed by Paul Mounsey, Ringing Master at St Paul's. In a peal of 'Cinques' there are 11 working bells that ring the changes while the biggest bell, the Tenor, always strikes at the end of the row, giving a pleasing rhythmical effect.

City of London, Cathedral Church of St Paul

Tuesday 5 May 2015, 5pm

5021 Stedman Cinques

Composer: P N Mounsey

Treble. Timothy E S Holmes

2. Paul N Mounsey (conductor)

3. Gwen Rogers

4. Leigh D G Simpson

5. Simon Read

6. Nicholas D Brown

7. Martin J Cansdale

8. Martin C Faulkes

9. J Alan Ainsworth

10. Thomas B Mack

11. Lucinda J Woodward

Tenor. Paul J Tiebout

The peal involved about four hours of continuous ringing and this time the band had better luck than when they rung at the birth of Prince George in 2013. On that occasion a Cathedral fire alarm sounded after the bells had been ringing for over three hours and all the ringers had to down ropes and leave the building.

St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Cathedral (05-05-2015)
  • St. Paul's Cathedral - LONDON: Campanas, campaneros y toques
  • LONDON (ENGLAND): Campanas, campaneros y toques
  • SAINT PAUL'S CATHEDRAL GUILD OF RINGERS (LONDON) : Toques y otras actividades
  • Europe is ringing: Bibliografía
  • Toques extraordinarios de campanas: Bibliografía
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